Map view update

Posted about 4 years ago by Chris Plastow

Chris Plastow Admin

A few months ago we released a new layered Map view in Omniscope EVO. Click here to read all about it. 

Up to now the layered Map view has been experimental. We are pleased to announce that from today's daily build ( b20937) it is no longer experimental and is now a core view. Also, from today, we have removed both the old Map and Choropleth views, as the layered Map provides all the functionality of these views, and more. Omniscope will automatically upgrade any reports containing either of these old views to the new Map when you first open them. You should not need to make any changes and all your options will be migrated intact.

Please get in touch if you have any feedback or questions, or if you encounter any problems using the new Map view. Also let us know if you would like us to arrange a demonstration.

Over the next few months we intend to further develop the mapping capability within Omniscope EVO. We have some exciting new ideas, so watch this space!

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