Connect Omniscope to Microsoft Teams and SharePoint files

Posted about 4 years ago by Paola Tomei

Paola Tomei Admin

With so many companies migrating to full Microsoft 365 solution it is useful to understand how to enable Omniscope Evo to access the files shared in Teams or

Sharepoint Online. 
Microsoft recommends the users to sync the Sharepoint and Teams files with their OneDrive app.

The article explains - "If your organization has an Office 365 business subscription or uses SharePoint Server 2019, you can sync your SharePoint files to a folder on your computer where you can work directly in File Explorer and access the files even when you're offline. 
Whenever you're online, any changes that you or others make will sync automatically."

This will not just enable Omniscope to easily open your Sharepoint/Team files, but you could also continue working offline.

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