Advisory regarding updating Omniscope to 2020.3 on cloud servers

Posted over 4 years ago by Steve Spencer

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Steve Spencer
Steve Spencer Admin

This advisory applies to the following upgrade scenarios:

  • (For those only installing ROCK builds): Upgrading from 2020.2 ROCK or earlier, to 2020.3 ROCK (when released) or later;
  • (For those using daily builds): Upgrading from 2020.3 b20999 or earlier, to 2020.3 b21000 or later.

We've recently improved licensing support for cloud environments, allowing you to deploy Omniscope to Windows and Linux VMs on Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure. This change arrived with Omniscope 2020.3 b21000 (a daily build). Download 2020.3 b21000 (or later) to get started. 

However, when upgrading existing Omniscope deployments per the scenarios above, you must follow this approach to remain licensed. Read through all steps before proceeding.

  1. Determine your license key. Keep a note of it. It looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX; you might already have records of it, but if not:
    On any instance type, access http(s)://your-server/_admin_/licensing/, logging in as your already-configured admin user, to see the key.
    Or, on a headless Linux instance, connect via SSH, and run: ~/visokio-omniscope/ -activationinfo
    Or, on a Windows instance, connect via RDP, and open http://localhost:24679/_admin_/licensing/ in Chrome on the VM's desktop.

  2. Deactivate and stop Omniscope
    On any instance type, access http(s)://your-server/_admin_/licensing/, and click Deactivate. Wait a few seconds for this to complete. Confirm Omniscope has finished deactivating and stopped by verifying Omniscope is no longer available.
    Or, on a headless Linux instance, stop Omniscope as you normally do, then ~/visokio-omniscope/ -deactivate.

  3. Upgrade Omniscope.
    You'll need to SSH or RDP into your instance to upgrade it, as you normally do. I'll not document this here.

  4. Activate and start Omniscope.
    On a headless Linux instance, ~/visokio-omniscope/ -activate XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX supplying your key, then start Omniscope as you normally do.
    Or, on a Windows instance, connect via RDP, and open http://localhost:24679/; enter the key when prompted, underneath the free trial section; wait for Omniscope to restart.

If you need help with this, please contact us at [email protected].

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