Sharepoint Online Downloader - Community block (Python)

Posted almost 4 years ago by Antonio Poggi

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Antonio Poggi
Antonio Poggi Admin

Hi Omniscopers, we have just added a Community block called "Sharepoint Online Downloader" which allows Omniscope Evo to download a file from a Sharepoint Online site (available in Omniscope Evo -> Add Block -> Community) so to load its content in your workflow.

Compatible with your authentication mechanism on Sharepoint Online, you just need to insert the file URL (absolute path e.g.  ) to download the file locally.

Once executed the block will download the file locally in a temp location, writing its path to the block output data.
You just have to connect this block to an 'Append files' block configured to 'use file names from the upstream block' to download the file and load its content in Omniscope.
See an example workflow here

Feedback and questions are always welcomed.

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