Select visible TABs - multi-tenant

Posted over 2 years ago by Magali Colin - Avizua

Magali Colin - Avizua
Magali Colin - Avizua

One of my customers wants to set up a report with multi-tenant.
He wants to set up 2 things depending on the user:

  • filter the visible data (here he can do it with the multi-tenant block, this is OK)
  • but also to select the visible tabs because not all of them must be seen by all the readers. 

Is this a feature that exists? I have searched and I don't think so. 

Thanks in advance..

Best Regards

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Magali Colin - Avizua

Magali Colin - Avizua posted over 2 years ago

Thanks for the idea Paola

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Paola Tomei posted over 2 years ago Admin

There is no functionality that will automatically hide some tabs, based on the user login.
You are correct that the Multi-tenant block will create customised data subsets, based on the user ID, but the actual tab hiding on the same principle is not yet possible.
(article -> Multitenant Reports)

The user should create variation of their reports and distribute different url links to their user groups. Multi-tenant principle can be used on top, should they wish to further vary the underlying data subset.

Another option is to use the Report Generator block in the Output section to create customised reports - variations that have limited tabs + data subsets compared to the original, based on the specification inside this generator block.

See the demo attached.
Hope this helps.

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