On 16 June 2024, version 2.0 of the open source Python module "NumPy" was released, which a major breaking update, and is incompatible with NumPy 1.0. Existing Omniscope installations are likely to run into errors executing custom blocks if a NumPy installation is triggered since the update.
If you see this text within an error message when running a custom block, it's likely you've encountered this issue:
AttributeError: np.unicode_ was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use np.str_ instead.
The forthcoming 2024.2 rock build will include a fix for this. Once it is released, you should simply update Omniscope. Meanwhile please use the following workarounds:
Use "Docker" execution environment (in Admin > R/Python & Blocks Library)
Or, in your custom block Design tab (you may need first to "unlock" the design if using a community block, from the block dialog 3 dots menu), add this to the Dependencies: numpy==1.26.4
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On 16 June 2024, version 2.0 of the open source Python module "NumPy" was released, which a major breaking update, and is incompatible with NumPy 1.0. Existing Omniscope installations are likely to run into errors executing custom blocks if a NumPy installation is triggered since the update.
If you see this text within an error message when running a custom block, it's likely you've encountered this issue:
was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Usenp.str_
instead.The forthcoming 2024.2 rock build will include a fix for this. Once it is released, you should simply update Omniscope. Meanwhile please use the following workarounds:
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