Previous advisories

Posted over 2 years ago by Steve Spencer

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Steve Spencer
Steve Spencer Admin

This article lists older advisories referring to updating to past versions of Omniscope. The latest advisories about upgrading to the currently available versions of Omniscope are listed on the download page.

  • In 2023.2 onwards, 32-bit deployments are no longer supported. The Windows installer no longer includes 32-bit support. Other OS builds are already 64-bit only.
  • When upgrading to 2023.1 on Linux you must follow this advisory.
  • Omniscope Mobile, an older web interface to Classic IOK files, has been removed in 2023.1. You should migrate your web facing IOK files to modern Evo configurations.
  • When upgrading to 2022.1 on Linux you must follow this advisory.
  • When upgrading to 2021.2, you must follow this advisory.
  • When upgrading to 2021.1, if you launch Omniscope from a script / service, you must follow this advisory.
  • When upgrading to 2020.3 b21000 or later (from any version prior to this), if running a cloud server, you must follow this advisory.
  • Additional installation step needed on older versions of Windows.

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